Poster Printing Service
Poster Printing Service Details
Posters may be printed up to 24 x 36, matte or glossy. The poster printer is optimized for large formats and cannot print smaller than 12 x 18. Please resize or edit your photo before submitting it to print. Basic editing assistance may be requested. The library is not responsible for proofreading materials submitted. All copyright laws are to be followed. If you are not the creator of the image or if the image is not copyright free, you must not resell it or use it for financial gain. Poster printing services are available for Ramsey library card holders only.
Submission Guidelines
All images must be in JPEG or PNG format.
Fill out our Google Form to submit your image to print.
The original file size will affect print quality. Save images/files in as large a format as possible.
18 x 24 Matte poster - $5
24 x 24 Matte poster - $5
24 x 36 Matte poster - $5
18 x 24 Glossy poster - $10
24 x 24 Glossy poster - $10
24 x 36 Glossy poster - $10
Note: the library only accepts payment via cash or check.
There are three options for getting posters printed: fill out the Google Form with requested prints attached, make an appointment for between the hours of 10am-5pm on Monday - Friday, or walk-in. Walk-ins will only be accepted between the hours of 10am-5pm on Monday - Friday when a trained member of staff is available. If no trained staff member is available, patrons will need to return when a trained staff member is available or submit electronically. Electronic submissions should be given 3-5 business days to be completed.
Other Guidelines
Payment can only be made by cash or check made payable to the Ramsey Free Public Library. Payment must be made when prints are picked up; the library will not release prints without payment.
Prints must be picked up within 7 days of notification or the cost of the print will be applied as a fine to the patron’s card. This time can be extended if the patron contacts the library within this window.
The library reserves the right to refuse any print job.
Any unclaimed posters will have their cost applied to the patron's library card as a fine. Posters must be picked up from the library within 7 days unless otherwise arranged for.