We are in the process of having a new water fountain/bottle filling station installed. We hope this will be operational by the end of this week. Until that time, we will have no water fountain available.

With your Ramsey Free Public Library card, you can borrow a host of different items: books, DVDs, CDs, audiobooks, Playaways, video games, and magazines. Select the content you are most interested below:

Borrowing and Renewing

Patrons can borrow up to 50 total items with a Rasmey library card. All items, except NEW entertainment DVDs and New books may be renewed unless they are on hold for another patron. Telephone and online renewals are accepted. Visit the online catalog and login to Your Account to renew online. Call 201-327-1445 to renew by phone or for questions.

Access to 77 Library Materials

Ramsey is also part of the Bergen County Cooperative Library System (BCCLS), which gives cardholders access to 77 different libraries and a delivery system to bring items from other libraries to Ramsey for cardholders to pick up.


See what’s been recently added to our collection


Don’t see what you are looking for in our catalog?

You can use the JerseyCat service to search for items outside of our 77 libraries. This service is only used for items NOT in our normal catalog. Click on the following link to search JerseyCat and submit a request.