Current Exhibits (March 2025):

Exhibit: Spring Fling
Artist: The Ramsey Garden Club
Location: Front display cases

Upcoming Exhibits

Interested in Exhibiting at the Library?

The Ramsey Free Public Library welcomes exhibits and displays, which further the educational, cultural, intellectual, charitable and/or public service objectives of the Library. Exhibits and displays which incorporate books and other Library materials are especially encouraged.  The Library recognizes its role in nurturing local talent and culture and, therefore, extends its preference in scheduling exhibits and displays to local schools, civic and community groups and local artists.  The Library also encourages exhibits and displays by collectors, crafts people and hobbyists.  Other displays may be devoted to an aspect of community life, science, education, family life, local or other history, community accomplishments, national anniversaries or events, or traveling exhibits in various fields and areas of interest.

All exhibits are subject to the terms of the Ramsey Free Public Library’s Display Case and Exhibit Policy.

The Library has two different display areas available. The first is a glass display case near our front entrance. This section has two display cases available. Each case is approximately 54” wide x 62’ high x 12” deep. The library’s second display area is wall display space in our Community Room. The wall display space in Community Room is approximately 55 linear feet, with an adjustable mini rail and hook system.

Scheduling for this is arranged several months in advance.

If you are interested to set up a display in the case or to have any sort of display anywhere in the Library, please complete the Online Application to Use Exhibit Space form (see below) and submit it for advance review and approval to the Library. Your application must include photographs or samples of items to be displayed.

The Exhibit Agreement Form must be signed prior to setting up any exhibit or display.

Once the application is approved, you will be contacted to schedule specific dates.

For questions, contact Julie Moya - Head of Circulation/Exhibit Coordinator -